Can you install a tankless water heater anywhere?

By Robert Flores / October 27, 2022

Tankless water heaters can be installed anywhere inside your home. You can even have a tankless water heater in a bathroom! Some families with larger homes choose to install two, one for each floor, for example. Because of their small size, they fit in closets, cabinets, pantries or laundry rooms. Oct 29, 2020

Can my breaker panel handle a tankless water heater?

Do not use the same calculated amperage as your final size breaker for tankless water heater. Otherwise, you’ll risk accidents because there’ll be no protection for a power surge. The National Electric Code (NEC) states that a circuit breaker should only handle 80% or less of its total capacity. Oct 3, 2022

Will a tankless water heater work during a power outage?

It may be obvious that electric powered tankless water heaters won’t work without an electrical supply. However, natural gas and propane tankless water heaters rely on electricity as well, and won’t work without electricity. Oct 3, 2017

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Is it cheaper to heat water with gas or electric?

Gas water heaters cost less to operate than electric water heaters—about 33% less. Jul 25, 2022

What is the most common problems with tankless water heaters?

Here are six of the most common problems and maintenance concerns for tankless water heaters: Mineral Buildup. System Overload. Cold Water Sandwich. Air Supply or Exhaust Blockage. Ignition Failure. Flame Failure. Mar 9, 2022

How much does it cost to install tankless water heater?

The typical range for tankless heater installation is between $4,500 and $6,500, averaging out to around $5,500 (including the water heater, warranty and tune ups). The tankless heater installation without the unit can cost between $1800 and $3500, averaging out to around $2650. Aug 26, 2022

How many tankless water heaters does a house need?

For larger households that typically use more than 85 gallons per day, two tankless systems, or the largest available model, are likely needed. For smaller households that use under 40 gallons per day, one unit should suffice. Mar 15, 2012

Can I replace a regular water heater with a tankless water heater?

Absolutely! In fact, tankless water heaters are becoming the standard for new home construction because of the energy efficiency. Newer tank water heaters have a UEF (Uniform Energy Factor) rating of 0.70 compared to your standard tankless water heater that has a rating of 0.94. Feb 18, 2021

What size tankless water heater do I need to replace a 40 gallon?

Comparing a 3.2 GPM tankless water heater to a forty gallon tank type heater is possible. For example, if a tankless unit produces hot water at 3.2 gallons per minute, this rate of flow will run a 40 gallon tank type heater out of water in only ten minutes.

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How do I size a tankless water heater for my house?

There are two factors that need to be considered when sizing a tankless water heater: Flow Rate (GPM): How much hot water you will need at any given time. Temperature Rise (?T): The difference between the incoming cold water temperature and the desired temperature.

Can I use existing vent for tankless water heater?

Can You Use the Existing Vent for the Tankless Water Heater? It is not recommended that you use the existing vent pipe from an old gas tank water heater. The existing vent for tankless water heaters may not be compatible because most are galvanized vent piping and will rust quickly. Jul 15, 2022

Does a tankless gas water heater need a dedicated circuit?

Gas tankless water heaters use just a tiny amount of amperage to ignite the flame. Unless the manufacturer requires it, there is no need for a dedicated circuit. Aug 4, 2017

Do tankless water heaters need to be vented outside?

Tankless hot water heaters require special venting to blow hot exhaust gas outside, where it dissipates. Unlike traditional tank-style water heaters, gas tankless hot water heaters offer far more versatile venting options. Oct 15, 2012

Can I use PVC to vent my tankless water heater?

In most cases, PVC makes a great venting material. It’s the least expensive option and is easy to install. And it’s a good reason to consider a high-efficiency condensing unit. Oct 22, 2019

Can you use PEX on tankless water heater?

But the IPC does require following the manufacturer’s installation instructions; and some water heater manufacturers, especially of tankless water heaters, specify that PEX should not be directly connected to their product, with a minimum of 18” of other approved pipe at the water heater connection. Dec 15, 2020

How many gallons per minute does a toilet use?

2-3 gallons per minute A toilet will normally use about 2-3 gallons per minute (gpm), a shower from 1.5 to 3.0 gpm, a bathroom or kitchen faucet from 2-3 gpm, a dishwasher from 2-4 gpm, and a washing machine from 3-5 gpm. Aug 23, 2019

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Is 1.8 or 2.5 gpm better?

When it comes to Shower Heads, you’ll typically find 2.5 GPM, 2.0 GPM, 1.8 GPM and 1.5 GPM. If you’re looking for the most pressure, go for the 2.5 GPM Flow Rate, unless you are restricted because you reside in California, Colorado or New York. Again, this has been the Maximum Flow Rate since 1992.

How much water does a sink use per minute?

Sink Faucet WaterSense certified faucets and sink aerators are tested to perform at 1.5 gallons per minute or less. Since 1994, faucet standards have been between 2.2 gpm and 2.5 gpm.

How often do you need to flush a tankless water heater?

Over time, a tankless water heater may accumulate mineral build up which can erode the walls inside your tank’s heating chamber. To properly maintain and clean your tankless water heater, it’s important to flush those mineral deposits at least once a year.

Which tankless water heater is best?

Our Verdict. One of the best options overall for whole-household use is the Rinnai tankless water heater that uses natural gas, with a 199,000 BTU power input and an Energy Star-certified design. Alternatively, for a budget-friendly option that serves one or two people, consider the Rheem tankless water heater. Oct 3, 2022


Can I Install a Tankless Water Heater in a Bathroom

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About the author

Robert Flores